KEWL Stuff
I will be adding info and links to some really kewl stuff for all you gamers out there. So
please bare with me as this if my first shot at a web page.
In the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own 20MB of free webspace?
Games,Gaming,Clans and more games!
Games and Gaming Info:
I play the following games Tribes, StarCraft, Quake Team Fortress, Quake2(mods Action,
Weapons Factory and CHAOS.), Half-Life and soon the long awaited TeamFortress-2 along with
a few others.
I will do my best to keep current info and links to these kewl games and to others as they
come out.
I belong to one of the Best and Kewlest clans in the world. They are called WIG or
WorldWide Internet Gamers.... We are a over 21 multi-gaming clan and have members from all
over the world playing several online games.... Come check us out!!!
Favourite links
WorldWide Internet Gamers Best over 21 multi-gaming clan in the world...but that's my
opinion :)
In the meantime why not check out the
link below to get your own
20MB of free webspace?
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This page was last updated on 03/13/99.